Uz. Dr. Görkem Astarcıoğlu

Uz. Dr. Görkem Astarcıoğlu completed his education at Çankaya Anatolian High School between 1992-1999. Then he studied at Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Medicine between 1999-2005.

After completing his specialty training in Pediatrics at TCSB Tepecik Training and Research Hospital between 2005-2011, Astarcıoğlu completed his compulsory service at Eşme State Hospital from July 2011 to October 2012.

Mr. Astarcıoğlu worked at the Private Medifema Hospital from April 2013 to January 2020 and is currently working at his office in Alsancak, Izmir.

Astarcıoğlu, who also graduated from Anadolu University Open Education Faculty, Associate Degree in Management of Health Institutions and Faculty of Business Administration, published the book “Baby Guide First One Year” with HayyKitap publishing house in 2018.

In 2019, Astarcıoğlu, who received the AFMCP certificate issued by the Institute of Functional Medicine, also started Hekimanne Health Consultancy and Software Medical Materials San. Tic. A.Ş. in the Technology Development Zone of Izmir Institute of Technology.

“From the newborn period until the age of 18, healthy follow-up, disease diagnosis and treatment, special vaccinations and necessary analyzes are planned for all infants and children. Healthy life recommendations are offered from a Functional Medicine perspective.”


TempStar Fever Monitoring Device

TempStar, which is suitable for use by individuals of all ages and has medical device certificates, is designed to reduce the burden on parents to take fever measurements at regular intervals, especially during periods of febrile illness. The graph created from the temperature data during measurement can be shared with family members and experts, allowing fever measurement to be monitored from anywhere with internet access.

BabyStar Mobile Application

The BabyStar mobile application allows you to record your child’s medical history with digital diaries that you can create forward and backward from the moment your child is born. You can collect all the results of the tests you have done in different health centers without the need for any system integration by simply taking a photo and uploading it to the application. ir Year

Baby Guide The First Year

Fashions, superstitions, puzzles, hundreds of situations that will make you run to the emergency room in the middle of the night but are not necessary at all… Practices that are commonly known and done but can be harmful for your baby… From the color of the stool to the redness of the skin, breathing, sweating, sucking position, first breakfast… Life-saving, comforting tips. Pediatrician Dr. Görkem Astarcıoğlu is always at your side when you need him.